Former EU Government Affairs Manager

Kadri Tastan, PhD.

Former EU Government Affairs Manager

As the EU Government Affairs Manager at Carbon-Free-Europe (CFE) in Brussels, Kadri leads the organization’s engagement with various EU institutions and Member States on climate and energy issues.

Before joining CFE, Kadri spent six years at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) where he led the Turkey Program of GMF in Brussels. He remains a non-resident Senior Fellow at GMF, where he conducts research on topics such as transatlantic relations, European affairs, geopolitics, geoeconomics, the Green Deal, trade, and EU-Turkey relations.

Kadri was also an IPC Mercator Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) from July 2021 to October 2022. His research focused on climate and energy policies, especially the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement, and EU-Turkey cooperation.

Kadri has extensive experience in working on European affairs, energy, climate change, and environmental issues. From August 2011 to June 2017, he was an expert for the EU Department of a large trade and business organization (TOBB) in Turkey. He also taught as an adjunct professor at the TOBB University of Economics and Technology from 2013 to 2015.

Kadri holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris) and an MSc in International Relations from the University of Panthéon Assas (Paris).